[Drm-nao] [DRM] Let's Draft an FAQ

Marcos Marado mindboosternoori gmail.com
Quarta-Feira, 17 de Julho de 2013 - 11:26:15 WEST


A iniciativa Defective By Design está à procura de contributos para uma FAQ 
sobre DRM:


As we face the threat of Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) infecting
the fabric of the Web itself, our campaign against DRM is more important
than ever and we need your help. We are putting together a DRM
Frequently Asked Questions list, and you can contribute by drafting
questions and answers on this LibrePlanet wiki page:
Once that is finalized, we will compile your submissions and publish the FAQ 
on the Defective by Design website.


Será não só útil contribuir aqui, como usar isto como fonte de ideias para a 
nossa própria FAQ (no drm-pt.info )

Marcos Marado

Mais informações acerca da lista Drm-nao