[Drm-nao] May 3rd is International Day Against DRM

Libby Reinish libby fsf.org
Sexta-Feira, 26 de Abril de 2013 - 19:48:56 WEST


Last year you organized a local event for the International Day Against
DRM. This year, Day Against DRM is Friday, May 3rd. Would you like to
organize an event again this year?

You can read about this year's International Day Against DRM here:

If you'd like to host an event, we can help you promote it by sending an
email to our list in your area. To be included in our outreach, just
send us the exact text that needs to go out -- make sure to include the
what, where, and when, along with your contact info for potential
attendees. You can also list your event here:

We hope you'll join us for this year's International Day Against DRM!


Libby Reinish
Campaigns Manager
Free Software Foundation

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